The secret to getting started
Go from hesitation to transformation with these simple steps.
While every manufacturing operation is unique, they all have one thing in common: opportunities for improvement are everywhere. It’s true for every manufacturer of every size. It’s also true that change is difficult for everyone. Smart Manufacturing requires change, and change creates anxiety which prevents focus. Fortunately, getting started is hardest part. The following steps will help simplify the start process so you can hit the ground running.
1. Be humble
No organization is perfect. Everyone has problems, and nobody knows it all. The key is to be humble and acknowledge that it’s time to do something different. And it’s much easier to be humble when you work with people who are not there to judge, but help you achieve new realms of possibility.
2. Seek to learn
Don’t try to solve a problem before knowing what the problem really is. Learning is often about listening. Speak with everyone throughout the organization to understand their struggles.
3. Define what this journey means to you
Smart Manufacturing means something different to everyone. Take the time to consider your future and decide how this journey is meaningful to your business. It’s important to understand your true costs, capabilities, and opportunities.
4. Ask for help
A good partner can simplify things by providing an outside perspective and giving you confidence by sharing case studies of how similar problems were overcome. An experienced partner can also provide focus. Someone with fresh eyes can help you see that which you cannot, because sometimes when you’re too close to something, it’s hard to see anything at all.
5. Start small
Look for one problem you can solve quickly that will bring value to the business, something small with a measurable impact. In most cases, you can create enough value in 30 to 60 days to fund your initiatives moving forward. Do this, and you’ll fuel the fire of others by showing them the value this can bring to your organization.
6. Culture matters…a lot
The cultural component to your journey will have a huge impact on its success. There must be a collective shift in thinking from “this is the way it’s always been done” to “there’s a better way and we’ll find it”. Adopting a continuous improvement mindset is critical to empowering your team to build upon the “wins” and repeat the process throughout the organization. This is not a top-down mission—everyone has a role to play.
7. Start now
Don’t overcomplicate it. Smart Manufacturing need not be complex. Start small, scale big, but start NOW. Don’t let this simmer. Everybody else is going to be doing something. They probably already are.
Once people begin to see the impact you are making on their lives, they’ll be your biggest fans. And when you start impacting P&L, leadership will be all in and asking for more. We know, because we’ve done this a time or two, and we’re happy to share what we’ve learned to help you create value through Smart Manufacturing. Need help getting started? Let’s talk.
Polaris Automation manufacturers build and navigate their digital transformation strategy. To learn more visit